“Dads Like Us: A Survival Guide for Fathers Raising a Child with Disabilities”
Is Now Available for Pre-Order!
“Dads Like Us,” a new book newly published by Steve Harris, is now available for pre-order. A personal, practical, and encouraging book for fathers raising a child with disabilities, this is a book written by a “dad like us” for other “dads like us.” If you’re the father of a child who is disabled and has special needs, this book is for you, at whatever point of this journey you are on.
The list of serious challenges our kids face is a long one. They may have cerebral palsy, childhood cancer, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, cognitive delays and difficulties, language disorders, vision impairment or blindness, auditory disabilities, heart conditions, attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD), cleft palate, or a rare neurological condition unique to them. Many children, teens and young adults also enter this world through serious illness or tragic accident.
However your child arrived, in whatever form, he or she is facing the challenge of their lifetime. You—their dad—are with them and are facing your own crisis points. This brief book is meant to help you survive—even thrive—in a world you did not want or expect to encounter. It will also help your child.
Who else will benefit from reading “Dads Like Us?” Wives and partners, grandparents and siblings, friends, doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, disability support staff, special ed workers, employers, clergy and more. In fact, any adult who comes in regular contact with and wants to support these children and their families who are facing this unique challenge.
Visit the following booksellers to place your order for the book that will be available in early-to-mid March, 2024:
(E-copies of “Dads Like Us” are also available).
Contact Steve directly if you would like a personalized copy of the book mailed to you (or others) now.