Minnesota Author



A Survival Guide for Fathers Raising a Child with Disabilities

Dads Like Us offers practical support and honest encouragement to fathers of children who are disabled. Written in a personal and straight-forward style by a father who has walked that road with his two sons, this brief book guides dads through the maze of emotions, experiences, and encounters unique to this parenting-role. “A parade of doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, specialists and others will march into your child’s life— and yours,” says the author. This book helps dads manage that parade and more, including chapters on marriage, family, work-life balance, advocacy, and stress-management.



Mr. Tom Brinsko

"Hits the Mark"

“This book hits the mark on what fathers need to know to support the needs of their disabled child.”

Mr. Tom Brinsko Former President/CEO@YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities
Barbra Holian

This book is both necessary and a breath of fresh air!

“Dads Like Us” fills a critical void in information currently available to fathers raising a child with a disability. It offers encouragement and advice in a down-to-earth manner, simply and calmly addressing practical areas of parenting and being human.

“For dads who often get overlooked (and) sometimes feel unsure about their role in their child’s life, this book is both necessary and a breath of fresh air!”

Barbra Holian Retired Community Rehabilitation Provider

This book will benefit many dads ...

“This book will benefit many dads raising children with disabilities and special needs.”

Tammy Larsen LPN Au****@Ma*****************.com
Dr. Tom Wilson, Ph.D.

I wish I had read it fifty years ago!”

“Millions of parents in our country are raising special needs children, myself included. Most dads experience that journey alone, stumbling from one crisis to the next…(this book) has helped me reflect on my own experiences as a special needs father. I wish I had read it fifty years ago!”

Dr. Tom Wilson, Ph.D. Retired Educator@(From the Foreword)